DOB: 25th November 2010
" ickle Lily" - The water baby. She
was bred by Nick and Fiona Minshall - BOMBINI kennel in Malpas, Cheshire. The brains of the family, nothing gets past her and she can work things out in a matter of seconds!! another who would rather stay at home then go showing. She had two litters 2013, 4 little flowers and 2015 6 little flowers.
She has been tested for the following:
NEONATAL CEREBELLAR CORTICAL DEGENERATION(NCCD) - This means she has two normal copies of DNA and will not develop this.
MUSLADIN-LUEKE SYNDROME(MLS) - again she has 2 copies of the normal gene and will neither develop, nor pass this gene to her offspring.
IMERSLUND GRAISBECK SYNDROME(IGS) - Lily is N/N CLEAR - This means she is a non carrier of this defect gene. This means she is genetically clear and will not be affected by IGS. She will only pass the normal gene on to all her offspring.